London Stations Photography

London Liverpool Street Station

London King’s Cross Station

London Paddington Station
Food Court

London stations photography began when I saw the view from the new balcony installed at Waterloo’s Train Station. From high up it is possible to see everything much clearer and close-up especially the giant Victorian station clock. Starting by simply resting the camera on the banister. It was possible to take a series of long-exposure, time-lapse shots making the people blurred.

Liverpool Street Station

Liverpool Street Station is unusual in that it has a walkway directly opposite the departure board. From this perfect vantage point it was easy to take a series of long exposures. The shots shown here are 2 sec, f11, 32 iso.

Waterloo Station Using a Tripod

The next visit to Waterloo I took a tripod and requested permission to take photographs from the station. For these shots I waited for an interesting combination of people in the shot.

Kings Cross Station

Kings Cross has been totally reworked by adding a wonderful roof (called a Diagrid Shell). Built by Arup engineers and architects John McAslan + Partners the new roof creates a semi-circular, extra concourse. I was able to shoot from the curvaceous balcony. These shots were taken with an exposure of 2 sec, f11, 31 iso.

Paddington Station

Four stations later, for the most recent shots at London Paddington Station, I took sets of 9x shots (exposure 0.4 sec f20 100 iso) with one or two seconds between each shot – a new facility on my Nikon D850.

Post Production

Later, in post-production I could add each set of images into a series of stacks. I took over 450 shots on the day, including commuters leaving the underground station and InterCity trains leaving for the West Country. From these I then chose which I wanted to convert into a time-lapse video to put onto Instagram. The best shots have been added to my library of shots on Alamy.

London Photos on Alamy

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