Frozen Food Brochure
The layout for this eight page, frozen food brochure design uses one page for each strand of their business. The deep blue inside front and back covers give a rich foil to the products emphasising the frozen feeling.
A set of updatable loose pages are tucked into a flap printed with raspberries on the inside back of the catalogue.
The cover uses four images combined to reflect each of the four strands of the business.
I shot all of the shallow depth-of-field, frozen food photographs on a specially chilled table. The products were carefully laid out onto a tray, then each frozen item of food was selected and arranged under the camera. Otherwise simply tipping out the products onto the background would show a lot of bits and chunks of ice.
Shallow Depth of Field
I shot all of the shallow depth-of-field, frozen food photographs on a specially chilled table. The products were carefully laid out onto a tray, then each frozen item of food was selected and arranged under the camera. Otherwise simply tipping out the products onto the background would show a lot of bits and chunks of ice.